Grant Wiggins: Education and Human Hero, Part I

Grant Wiggins has passed; the heavens cheer as the world weeps. I'm so thankful that I had the opportunity to work, learn and grow with Grant. He was perhaps one of the, if not the most brilliant minds in education that I have ever had the absolute pleasure of working with. Coupled with brilliance, Grant was amazingly kind, thoughtful and very down to earth. I had known Grant only for a few months working in New York City and he and his wife graciously invited me and a few colleagues into his parents breathtaking, brownstone in East Village. It was one of my first times in East Village and only a handful of times in New York City, and here I was, an educator from Detroit, sitting and planning with a man that was one of the deepest, most accomplished minds in education. I'll share more with a second posting but I just want to send this note off and recognize the passing of a brilliant mind, a compassionate kind human being, a tireless and amazing educator, and now an ancestor who perhaps left us all too soon. Rest in peace, Grant. 


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