Classroom as an Democratic Institution
My key to a management system in my classroom is student relationships. I make it a point to get to know each and everyone of my students on a personal level. This can be accomplished through a variety of team building exercises, reflective writing or just everyday acknowledging students as human beings entitled to a powerful learning environment. Establishing relationships is central to others in my classroom as well so we will begin to learn how to operate as a collective team through powerful learning experiences. We will then take these experiences and build on them in the classroom where we will collectively and collaboratively create and design our classroom policies. Spending time up front, building relationships, classroom norms, trust and a safe environment for students to learn are central to managing and effective place for kids to get excited about learning. Communication with parents is especially central. Positive phone calls home to encourage student behavior and practice are crucial as well as acknowledge student achievement whenever the opportunity presents itself. I largely see my classroom as an extension as a part of our larger society, where there are certainly rights and some privileges, but those, like the community we live in are being negotiated and need dialogue to constantly to improve the human condition. My classroom is a place where structures and systems certainly have a place, but ultimately, I want to raise young men and women that will have an internal management system that respects and cherishes all.