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re-imagining youth education

Launched in Northern California in the Spring of 2019 in partnership with the El Dorado County of Education, in Northern California, the Listen and Leap Project, now in its fourth year, is a restorative, life-affirming and peace building, experience that uses the power of listening circles to cultivate joy, healing and transformation for ourselves, each other and ultimately, our community. While our program is in development, the idea of restorative work is not, as this tradition originates from indigenous cultures and pathways.

Vision & Guiding Values

Our mission is to create the next generation of circle leaders and keepers to cultivate joy, healing and transformation, within themselves and others, and in particular their school community.

We envision a world where young people care and love for each other, and leave their school and community better than when they found it.

  • Love, Listening and Speaking: Speaking and listening from the heart; reflecting tenderness, care and intention; we offer our full attention to practice the delicate art and science of deep listening from and with our hearts.
  • Power-Sharing and Self-Compassion: Every person has equal value and worth; so we share the idea that everyone's voice matters and is important; when we care and nurture ourselves, we can best do the same for others.
  • Joy and Curiosity: We cultivate a sense of happiness and when; we welcome differences with wonder, respect and an opportunity to practice humility.
  • Feedback and Respect: We believe in giving and receiving feedback that improves how we treat one another; living and breathing with the understanding that our destinies are tied together.
  • Consent: What happens in the circle, stays in the circle; take the learning but leave the names.

What Are Listening Circles?

Listening Circles, as the name suggests, are intentional conversations and spaces where young people share their thoughts, feelings and ideas to build community, learn from one another and make improvements in their lives and school community.

  • Co-Creation: We co-design spaces with and for youth
  • Youth Circle Keepers: Opportunities for students to lead circles
  • School Improvement: Advance our communities, with empathy, compassion

Circle discussions and dialogue are created and designed with students whenever possible. Our program uses a student and teacher needs assessment prior to the program to customize the circle topics for each school site. In addition, our Summer Workshop Series equips students with the skills and knowledge to lead effective circle sessions in their own lives and communities.

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